
A webserver to estimate cell-/sample-wise metabolic fluxome by using scRNA-seq or general transcriptomics data

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The following resources are provided, including (1) seven example inputs of scFEA, (2) module information and gene sets of 28 reconstructed metabolic subnetworks in human and mouse, (3) KEGG metabolic module-based metabolic map for 15 experimental organisms, and (4) predicted metabolic flux and imputed metabolomic profiles on TCGA, GTEx, CCLE and three example scRNA-seq/snRNA-seq data.

Example input files GSE72056 scRNA-seq example input GSE72056_example.txt
GSE103322 scRNA-seq example input GSE103322_example
Pa03c cell scRNA-seq example input Pa03c.csv
ROSMAP snRNA-seq example input ROSMAP.csv
CCLE example input CCLE.csv
GTEx example input GTEX.csv
TCGA example input TCGA.csv
Human module files Module information of the M171 metabolic network in human scFEA.M171.human.moduleinfo.csv
Genes in the M171 metabolic network in human scFEA.M171.human.v1.symbols.gmt
This network is the M171 network plus a consideration of redox balance by including the balance of the production and consumption of NAD+. scFEA.M171_NAD.human.moduleinfo.csv
Genes in the M171_NAD metabolic network in human scFEA.M171_NAD.human.symbols.gmt
Module information of GGSL metabolic network in human scFEA.GGSL.human.moduleinfo.csv
Genes in GGSL metabolic network in human scFEA.GGSL.human.v1.symbols.gmt
Module information of Glucose-TCAcycle metabolic network in human scFEA.Glucose-TCAcycle.human.moduleinfo.csv
Genes in Glucose-TCAcycle metabolic network in human scFEA.Glucose-TCAcycle.human.v1.symbols.gmt
Module information of Glucose-Glutaminolysis metabolic network in human scFEA.Glucose-Glutaminolysis.human.moduleinfo.csv
Genes in Glucose-Glutaminolysis metabolic network in human scFEA.Glucose-Glutaminolysis.human.v1.symbols.gmt
Module information of Glucose-Glutamine metabolic network in human scFEA.Glucose-Glutamine.human.moduleinfo.csv
Genes in Glucose-Glutamine metabolic network in human scFEA.Glucose-Glutamine.human.v1.symbols.gmt
Module information of BCAA metabolic network in human scFEA.BCAA.human.moduleinfo.csv
Genes in BCAA metabolic network in human scFEA.BCAA.human.v1.symbols.gmt
Module information of Acetylcholine metabolic network in human scFEA.Acetylcholine.human.moduleinfo.csv
Genes in Acetylcholine metabolic network in human scFEA.Acetylcholine.human.v1.symbols.gmt
Module information of Dopamine metabolic network in human scFEA.Dopamine.human.moduleinfo.csv
Genes in Dopamine metabolic network in human scFEA.Dopamine.human.v1.symbols.gmt
Module information of Histamine metabolic network in human scFEA.Histamine.human.moduleinfo.csv
Genes in Histamine metabolic network in human scFEA.Histamine.human.v1.symbols.gmt
Module information of Serotonin metabolic network in human scFEA.Serotonin.human.moduleinfo.csv
Genes in Serotonin metabolic network in human scFEA.Serotonin.human.v1.symbols.gmt
Module information of IronIon metabolic network in human scFEA.IronIon.human.moduleinfo.csv
Genes in IronIon metabolic network in human scFEA.IronIon.human.v1.symbols.gmt
Module information of MGF metabolic network in human scFEA.MGF.human.moduleinfo.csv
Genes in MGF metabolic network in human scFEA.MGF.human.v1.symbols.gmt
Module information of MHC-I metabolic network in human scFEA.MHC-I.human.moduleinfo.csv
Genes in MHC-I metabolic network in human scFEA.MHC-I.human.v1.symbols.gmt
scFEA human genes scFEA.human.genes.txt
Human M171_NAD pathway stoichiometry matrix cmMat_M171_NAD_human.csv
Human GGSL pathway stoichiometry matrix GGSL_human_cmMat.csv
Human GlucoseTCAcycle pathway stoichiometry matrix GlucoseTCAcycle_human_cmMat.csv
Human kegg pathway stoichiometry matrix kegg_human_cmMat.csv
Human Lipid pathway stoichiometry matrix Lipid_human_cmMat.csv
Human Methionine pathway stoichiometry matrix Methionine_human_cmMat.csv
Human mhc pathway stoichiometry matrix mhc_human_cmMat.csv
Human Acetylcholine pathway stoichiometry matrix cmMat_Acetylcholine_human_c6_m15.csv
Human BCAA pathway stoichiometry matrix cmMat_BCAA_human_c6_m14.csv
Human Dopamine pathway stoichiometry matrix cmMat_Dopamine_human_c5_m9.csv
Human Glucose-Glutamine pathway stoichiometry matrix cmMat_Glucose-Glutamine_human_c17_m23.csv
Human Glucose-Glutaminolysis pathway stoichiometry matrix cmMat_Glucose-Glutaminolysis_human_c17_m27.csv
Human Histamine pathway stoichiometry matrix cmMat_Histamine_human_c3_m6.csv
Human IronIon pathway stoichiometry matrix cmMat_IronIon_human_c8_m15.csv
Human M171 pathway stoichiometry matrix cmMat_M171_human_c70_m168.csv
Human Serotonin pathway stoichiometry matrix cmMat_Serotonin_human_c4_m8.csv
Mouse module files Module information of the M171 metabolic network in mouse scFEA.M171.mouse.moduleinfo.csv
Genes in the M171 metabolic network in mouse scFEA.M171.mouse.v1.symbols.gmt
This network is the M171 network plus a consideration of redox balance by including the balance of the production and consumption of NAD+. scFEA.M171_NAD.mouse.moduleinfo.csv
Genes in the M171_NAD metabolic network in mouse scFEA.M171_NAD.mouse.symbols.gmt
Module information of GGSL metabolic network in mouse scFEA.GGSL.mouse.moduleinfo.csv
Genes in GGSL metabolic network in mouse scFEA.GGSL.mouse.v1.symbols.gmt
Module information of Glucose-TCAcycle metabolic network in mouse scFEA.Glucose-TCAcycle.mouse.moduleinfo.csv
Genes in Glucose-TCAcycle metabolic network in mouse scFEA.Glucose-TCAcycle.mouse.v1.symbols.gmt
Module information of Glucose-Glutaminolysis metabolic network in mouse scFEA.Glucose-Glutaminolysis.mouse.moduleinfo.csv
Genes in Glucose-Glutaminolysis metabolic network in mouse scFEA.Glucose-Glutaminolysis.mouse.v1.symbols.gmt
Module information of Glucose-Glutamine metabolic network in mouse scFEA.Glucose-Glutamine.mouse.moduleinfo.csv
Genes in Glucose-Glutamine metabolic network in mouse scFEA.Glucose-Glutamine.mouse.v1.symbols.gmt
Module information of BCAA metabolic network in mouse scFEA.BCAA.mouse.moduleinfo.csv
Genes in BCAA metabolic network in mouse scFEA.BCAA.mouse.v1.symbols.gmt
Module information of Acetylcholine metabolic network in mouse scFEA.Acetylcholine.mouse.moduleinfo.csv
Genes in Acetylcholine metabolic network in mouse scFEA.Acetylcholine.mouse.v1.symbols.gmt
Module information of Dopamine metabolic network in mouse scFEA.Dopamine.mouse.moduleinfo.csv
Genes in Dopamine metabolic network in mouse scFEA.Dopamine.mouse.v1.symbols.gmt
Module information of Histamine metabolic network in mouse scFEA.Histamine.mouse.moduleinfo.csv
Genes in Histamine metabolic network in mouse scFEA.Histamine.mouse.v1.symbols.gmt
Module information of Serotonin metabolic network in mouse scFEA.Serotonin.mouse.moduleinfo.csv
Genes in Serotonin metabolic network in mouse scFEA.Serotonin.mouse.v1.symbols.gmt
Module information of IronIon metabolic network in mouse scFEA.IronIon.mouse.moduleinfo.csv
Genes in IronIon metabolic network in mouse scFEA.IronIon.mouse.v1.symbols.gmt
Module information of MGF metabolic network in mouse scFEA.MGF.mouse.moduleinfo.csv
Genes in MGF metabolic network in mouse scFEA.MGF.mouse.v1.symbols.gmt
Module information of MHC-I metabolic network in mouse scFEA.MHC-I.mouse.moduleinfo.csv
Genes in MHC-I metabolic network in mouse scFEA.MHC-I.mouse.v1.symbols.gmt
scFEA mouse genes scFEA.mouse.genes.txt
Mouse M171_NAD pathway stoichiometry matrix cmMat_M171_NAD_mouse.csv
Mouse Lipid pathway stoichiometry matrix Lipid_mouse_cmMat.csv
Mouse Methionine pathway stoichiometry matrix Methionine_mouse_cmMat.csv
Mouse mhc pathway stoichiometry matrix mhc_mouse_cmMat.csv
Mouse GGSL pathway stoichiometry matrix GGSL_mouse_cmMat.csv
Mouse GlucoseTCAcycle pathway stoichiometry matrix GlucoseTCAcycle_mouse_cmMat.csv
Mouse kegg pathway stoichiometry matrix kegg_mouse_cmMat.csv
Mouse Acetylcholine pathway stoichiometry matrix cmMat_Acetylcholine_mouse_c6_m15.csv
Mouse BCAA pathway stoichiometry matrix cmMat_BCAA_mouse_c6_m14.csv
Mouse Dopamine pathway stoichiometry matrix cmMat_Dopamine_mouse_c5_m9.csv
Mouse Glucose-Glutamine pathway stoichiometry matrix cmMat_Glucose-Glutamine_mouse_c17_m27.csv
Mouse Glucose-Glutaminolysis pathway stoichiometry matrix cmMat_Glucose-Glutaminolysis_mouse_c17_m23.csv
Mouse Histamine pathway stoichiometry matrix cmMat_Histamine_mouse_c3_m6.csv
Mouse IronIon pathway stoichiometry matrix cmMat_IronIon_mouse_c8_m15.csv
Mouse M171 pathway stoichiometry matrix cmMat_M171_mouse_c70_m168.csv
Mouse Serotonin pathway stoichiometry matrix cmMat_Serotonin_mouse_c4_m8.csv
KEGG module files Module information of KEGG module map in human scFEA.KEGG.human.moduleinfo.csv
Genes in KEGG module map in human scFEA.KEGG.human.v1.symbols.gmt
Module information of KEGG module map in mouse scFEA.KEGG.mouse.moduleinfo.csv
Genes in KEGG module map in mouse scFEA.KEGG.mouse.v1.symbols.gmt
Module information of the KEGG module map in Ciona robusta scFEA.KEGG.Ciona-robusta.moduleinfo.csv
Genes in KEGG module map in Ciona robusta scFEA.KEGG.Ciona-robusta.v1.symbols.gmt
Module information of KEGG module map in Zea mays scFEA.KEGG.Zea-mays.moduleinfo.csv
Genes in KEGG module map in Zea mays scFEA.KEGG.Zea-mays.v1.symbols.gmt
Module information of KEGG module map in Danio rerio scFEA.KEGG.Danio-rerio.moduleinfo.csv
Genes in KEGG module map in Danio rerio scFEA.KEGG.Danio-rerio.v1.symbols.gmt
Module information of KEGG module map in Gallus gallus scFEA.KEGG.Gallus-gallus.moduleinfo.csv
Genes in KEGG module map in Gallus gallus scFEA.KEGG.Gallus-gallus.v1.symbols.gmt
Module information of KEGG module map in Xenopus tropicalis scFEA.KEGG.Xenopus-tropicalis.moduleinfo.csv
Genes in KEGG module map in Xenopus tropicalis scFEA.KEGG.Xenopus-tropicalis.v1.symbols.gmt
Module information of KEGG module map in Rattus norvegicus scFEA.KEGG.Rattus-norvegicus.moduleinfo.csv
Genes in KEGG module map in Rattus norvegicus scFEA.KEGG.Rattus-norvegicus.v1.symbols.gmt
Module information of KEGG module map in Escherichia coli K-12 scFEA.KEGG.Escherichia-coli-K-12.moduleinfo.csv
Genes in KEGG module map in Escherichia coli K-12 scFEA.KEGG.Escherichia-coli-K-12.v1.symbols.gmt
Module information of KEGG module map in Bacillus subtilis 168 scFEA.KEGG.Bacillus-subtilis-168.moduleinfo.csv
Genes in KEGG module map in Bacillus subtilis 168 scFEA.KEGG.Bacillus-subtilis-168.v1.symbols.gmt
Module information of KEGG module map in Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25 scFEA.KEGG.Pseudomonas-fluorescens-SBW25.moduleinfo.csv
Genes in KEGG module map in Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25 scFEA.KEGG.Pseudomonas-fluorescens-SBW25.v1.symbols.gmt
Module information of KEGG module map in Arabidopsis thaliana scFEA.KEGG.Arabidopsis-thaliana.moduleinfo.csv
Genes in KEGG module map in Arabidopsis thaliana scFEA.KEGG.Arabidopsis-thaliana.v1.symbols.gmt
Module information of KEGG module map in Azotobacter vinelandii DJ scFEA.KEGG.Azotobacter-vinelandii-DJ.moduleinfo.csv
Genes in KEGG module map in Azotobacter vinelandii DJ scFEA.KEGG.Azotobacter-vinelandii-DJ.v1.symbols.gmt
Module information of KEGG module map in Synechocystis PCC 6803 scFEA.KEGG.Synechocystis-PCC-6803.moduleinfo.csv
Genes in KEGG module map in Synechocystis PCC 6803 scFEA.KEGG.Synechocystis-PCC-6803.v1.symbols.gmt
Module information of KEGG module map in Methanococcus voltae A3 scFEA.KEGG.Methanococcus-voltae-A3.moduleinfo.csv
Genes in KEGG module map in Methanococcus voltae A3 scFEA.KEGG.Methanococcus-voltae-A3.v1.symbols.gmt
Module information of KEGG module map in Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) scFEA.KEGG.Streptomyces-coelicolor-A3(2).moduleinfo.csv
Genes in KEGG module map in Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) scFEA.KEGG.Streptomyces-coelicolor-A3(2).v1.symbols.gmt
Module information of KEGG module map in Methanosarcina acetivorans C2A scFEA.KEGG.Methanosarcina-acetivorans-C2A.moduleinfo.csv
Genes in KEGG module map in Methanosarcina acetivorans C2A scFEA.KEGG.Methanosarcina-acetivorans-C2A.v1.symbols.gmt
Ciona robusta pathway stoichiometry matrix cin_cmMat.csv
Zea mays pathway stoichiometry matrix zma_cmMat.csv
Danio rerio pathway stoichiometry matrix dre_cmMat.csv
Gallus gallus pathway stoichiometry matrix gga_cmMat.csv
Xenopus tropicalis pathway stoichiometry matrix xtr_cmMat.csv
Rattus norvegicus pathway stoichiometry matrix rno_cmMat.csv
Escherichia coli K-12 pathway stoichiometry matrix eco_cmMat.csv
Bacillus subtilis 168 pathway stoichiometry matrix bsu_cmMat.csv
Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25 pathway stoichiometry matrix pfs_cmMat.csv
Arabidopsis thaliana pathway stoichiometry matrix ath_cmMat.csv
Azotobacter vinelandii DJ pathway stoichiometry matrix avn_cmMat.csv
Synechocystis PCC 6803 pathway stoichiometry matrix syn_cmMat.csv
Methanococcus voltae A3 pathway stoichiometry matrix mvo_cmMat.csv
Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) pathway stoichiometry matrix sco_cmMat.csv
Methanosarcina acetivorans C2A pathway stoichiometry matrix mac_cmMat.csv
Results derived from commonly unilized data sets Predict flux of modules in human M171 network of CCLE data CCLE data flux.csv
Imputed metabolomics profile of metabolites in human M171 network of CCLE data CCLE data imputed metabolomics profile.csv
Predict flux of modules in human M171 network of GTEx data GTEX data flux.csv
Imputed metabolomics profile of metabolites in human M171 network of GTEx data GTEX data imputed metabolomics profile.csv
Predict flux of modules in human M171 network of TCGA data TCGA data flux.csv
Imputed metabolomics profile of metabolites in human M171 network of TCGA data TCGA data imputed metabolomics profile.csv
Results drvived from selected scRNA-seq data sets Predict flux of modules in human M171 network of GSE72056 data GSE72056 flux.csv
Imputed metabolomics profile of metabolites in human M171 network of GSE72056 data GSE72056 imputed metabolomics profile.csv
Predict flux of modules in human M171 network of GSE103322 data GSE103322 flux.csv
Imputed metabolomics profile of metabolites in human M171 network of GSE103322 data GSE103322 imputed metabolomics profile.csv
Predict flux of modules in human M171 network of ROSMAP snRNA-seq data ROSMAP brain scRNA-seq data flux.csv
Imputed metabolomics profile of metabolites in human M171 network of ROSMAP snRNA-seq data ROSMAP brain scRNA-seq data imputed metabolomics profile.csv